An Unconventional Classroom : Interdisciplinary STEM Education and Outreach Through Container Farming on Campus


The Guided Pathways to Success Title V team at La Sierra University utilizes a hydroponic shipping container farm to create high-touch, interactive programs for students. The collaboration includes faculty from a dozen departments to offer a two-week STEM Bridge program for incoming first-year students. In addition to STEM activities, students design a public relations campaign, packaging and price points for maximum profit. This interdisciplinary approach introduces students to career pathways– many within STEM, all within one business; farming high-end lettuce. Daily soft skills workshops include financial literacy, leadership, problem-solving, flexibility and campus resource introductions. We also discuss representation in STEM, the importance of access and of including all voices. Students leave the two-week intensive with a network of peers, faculty contacts, employable skills and a curiosity to discover, create and innovate. The university Enactus team uses another container farm as an operational business, selling lettuce back to campus food services. In a campus-community partnership, Enactus also integrates multi-faceted community outreach with local schools into container farming. Through our presentation, audience participants will experience interactive demonstrations of inspired, innovative educational partnerships where buy-in from internal and external entities creates one-of-a-kind learning experiences for students. We also consider the financial aspect of operating a hydroponic shipping container farm and the potential for revenue generation. We outline how institutions can create programs like these to make learning exciting and engaging for underrepresented and underprepared students, exposing them to STEM fields, increasing potential for success, and ultimately benefiting the overall community.


Marvin Payne
Project Director, Guided Pathways to Success in STEM, Title V Programs, La Sierra University, California, United States

Tabetha Johnson
Grant Coordinator, Title V, La Sierra University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2022 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Sustainability: Towards a Green Economic Recovery for Nature, People and Planet