An Interactive Recycling System: Ways to Encourage Green Behavior


Our daily waste has been surpassing the capacity of what earth can handle but the seriousness of the problem is often neglected since trash is often dumped and transported to somewhere people don’t know. With ongoing drastic experiences of the climate crisis, one of the ways to decrease and reuse wastes is recycling. The concept and practice of recycling have been around for a long time, but the lack of a recycling system, especially in the US, has created confusion in terms of what can be recycled and how to recycle wastes properly. As one of the sustainable practices, an effective recycling system may bring a positive impact on reducing waste and increasing appropriate recyclable materials by the participation of individuals and communities. Case studies from different countries provide insights into how the recycling system can be effective, but the collective action of individuals-, community- and nation-wide is necessary. Research shows that some effective recycling systems are embedded in cultural practices and civil responsibility. This study explores creating ‘recycling behavior’ starting from encouraging individuals- and community-based action. Based on the survey result of people’s understanding of recycling, this research focuses on proposing a comprehensive interactive recycling system to foster effective ‘recycling behavior.’ The results of the study may impact the design of recycling system in built environments and encourage positive and socially responsible recycling behavior in a step towards a greener future.


Junghwa Kim Suh
Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Arts and Design, Chaminade University of Honolulu, United States

Maria Meagan Bernaldez
Student, BFA in Environmental + Interior Design (working towards), Chaminade University of Honolulu, Hawaii, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Participatory Process


Design, Recycling, Green Practice, Community, Technology