Sustaining Agriculture while Recovering from Pandemic : A Community Project to Support Local Agriculture


Typical agricultural distribution systems and venues ceased temporarily during the pandemic. Commodities were dumped into or turned under in fields or left behind for wildlife to pilferage while food banks became food deserts. Utilizing advisory board membership, wholesale producers will connect with retail outlets to provide their commodities. In addition, producers will work with local organizations providing their unsaleable produce to food banks. Through an online system, local produce will be identified. A farmer’s market started a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) venue for wholesale producers to sell their crops retail. Extension created a list of producers with available or excess crops and a volunteer organization gathered unsaleable commodities and delivered them to food banks. With the assistance of the county GIS team, extension created an interactive map of local agriculture commodities and venues of available crops. The volunteer group organized 50+ gleaning events in nine months, harvested over 70,000 pounds of produce for food desert residents. Two producers created a CSA model based on the farmer’s market model and offer their produce to additional venues than their previous restaurant venue. As a result of pandemic changes, four wholesale producers now sell to non-traditional retail venues. The GIS map includes over 100 local agriculture producers searchable by locale and commodity types. Through extension efforts, the GIS map has escalated awareness of local agriculture commodities. Wholesale producers changed marketing venues to help rebound from pandemic deficits. Gleaning events provide local fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables to food banks.


Lisa Hickey
Sustainable Food Systems Extension Agent, Horticulture Science, University of Florida Extension Manatee County, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2022 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Sustainability: Towards a Green Economic Recovery for Nature, People and Planet


Sustainable Agriculture, Wholesale to Retail during Pandemic, New Community Connections