The Dilemma of Global Cyberspace Governance and the Path to Crack It: Perspectives on State Responsibility


Global cyberspace governance is essential to achieving sustainable development in cyberspace. At present, global cyberspace governance is fragmented, and the limitations of the Western-dominated theory of governance of the commons and the traditional theory of state responsibility make global cyberspace governance face certain dilemmas. We should adapt the precautionary principle, the common but differentiated principle and the principle of community of destiny to cyberspace governance, to seek the solution of the dilemma of the global cyberspace governance, to realize the security, stability and sustainable development of global cyberspace.


Yongqian Zhu
Doctoral Candidate, Zhejiang University Guanghua Law School , Zhejiang, China


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


2022 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Sustainability: Towards a Green Economic Recovery for Nature, People and Planet


Cyberspace, State Responsibility, Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities