Strengthening Collaborative Food Waste Prevention in Hospitality and Food Services in Peru: Towards Responsible Production and Consumption


It is well known that large amounts of food waste are generated in the world when, at the same time, we witness so much poverty, hunger, and malnutrition in many regions of the planet. Food waste is not confined to developed and rich countries, with economic growth and an emergent middle class in developing countries, it has also become a problem in many developing economies. This research aims to analyze the dynamics of food waste management in the post-consumption stage of the hospitality and food services sector in Lima and Tacna (Peru). The results reported here are part of a larger project funded by the Manchester Metropolitan University-UK GCRF to investigate current food resource management challenges experienced by Hospitality and Food Services in Peru and Colombia. The investigation carried out by the Peruvian team in Lima and Tacna aims to strengthen the prevention and mitigation of food waste through suggestions and recommendations; and to contrast the findings with a pre-pandemic situation. The study is interdisciplinary in nature combining education for sustainable development, circular economy, process engineering and hospitality and tourism. A quantitative investigation was carried out through a survey of 67 restaurants. The main areas and causes of food waste, the strategies taken, and the main problems were investigated. Our initial findings indicate that it is necessary to promote the study of food waste in Peru since there is limited national literature; and carry out awareness programs and environmental training, especially in prevention and mitigation of food waste.


Lucero Nicole Huerta-Tantalean
Student, Tourism Administration and Services, Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima, Peru

Andrea Rivera

Jesús Valle Paucar
Student, Administración Turístico Hotelera, Universidad Privada de Tacna, Tacna, Peru

Silvia Cristina Quispe Prieto
Docente, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann , Tacna, Peru

Franklin Cordova-Buiza
Docente Investigador, Departamento de Investigaciones, Universida Privada del Norte, Lima, Peru

Alberto Paucar Caceres
Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2022 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Sustainability: Towards a Green Economic Recovery for Nature, People and Planet