Nature-centered Leadership: Humanity’s “Random Walk” on a Path to a Sustainable Future


Nature-centered Leaders recognize the possibility that some aspects of social systems are analogous to biological systems. Both systems are complex and adaptive, but the extent to which our understanding of biological systems can (or should) inform the study of human social systems remains an open question. Memes were first described by Richard Dawkins as ideas, symbols, and practices transmitted within and across cultures from generation to generation. The viability of memetic theory remains controversial, but recent studies enhance the concept and explanatory methods to study organizational phylogenesis (the evolution of human organizations that comprise our social systems). This paper begins with a literature review to illustrate the development of “memetics” as a concept and theoretical framework. Complex adaptive systems will be introduced with a focus on the gene-meme analogy to compare and contrast the emergent properties of biological and social systems. Genetic variation in biological systems is a “raw material” upon which natural selection acts in the evolution of organisms. It remains unclear whether memes are the raw material upon which we humans act to construct our social systems. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to be concerned that rapid-fire communications coupled with a cacophony of information challenges our ability to reach consensus on the wicked problems facing our species. Nature-centered Leaders assume this to be the case and leverage their understanding of complex adaptive systems to guide our “random walk” for a sustainable future. To conclude, practical suggestions are offered for aspirant Nature-centered Leaders.


Spencer S Stober
Professor, Sciences; Business, Communication, and Leadership, Alvernia University, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Nature-Centered Leadership, Memes, Sustainability