Green Economy Recovery in Uruguay: Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Relief 2020


Green economy has been a broadly adopted framework as a way to achieve sustainable development and pursue SDGs (UNGOAR, 2015). It was defined as “an economic paradigm which promotes low carbon growth, efficient use of natural resources, and equity” (UNEP 2011). The purpose of this work was to adapt an ESAM (Endriana et al, 2016), to identify sectors that satisfy all three criteria of a green economy in Uruguay, and to analyze their recovery after the input of the measures taken by the Uruguayan government to relieve COVID19 during 2020. The results show six sectors that satisfy all three aspects. All of them were directly or indirectly taken into account with the COVID-19 measures of relief, suggesting that the recovery efficiency could homogeneously reach the path pre-pandemia, but also revealing that two of the negatively impacted sectors –public transport and tourism- unfortunately, act as a positive externality regarding the significant decrease of CO2 emissions due inactivity periods, reduced room and sitting capacity, This understimulates the direct investment on those sectors, nevertheless, there are signs of economic recovery that suggest a good outcome of social measures of relief but also suggest the active presence of an external factor as a charity or community solidarity, variables that weren´t taken into account by the ESAM model applied.


Andrea Russi
Sustainable Campus & SDGs Education Coordinator, Institutional/International, Universidad de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2022 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Sustainability: Towards a Green Economic Recovery for Nature, People and Planet