Measurement to Support a Just, Equitable, and Green Post-pandemic Recovery: Why Integrative, Holistic Measurement Approaches and Inclusive Data Matter


The transition towards a green, equitable economic recovery requires attention to three core questions of post-pandemic population surveillance: (1) integration of data across sectors and geophysical spaces; (2) understanding measurement frameworks and methodologies, and (3) inclusive data collection. While the scope, volume and availability of data pertaining to social, ecological and health considerations has increased significantly in recent years, there are barriers to the use of such data, and their linkage to public policy. Some of these barriers include a focus on sector specific considerations, the growing complexity of data provision, and jurisdictional obstacles. These present challenges for integrating data to support post-pandemic sustainability, which must be attentive to the limits of growth. This study asked: How can the data within sustainability indicators and frameworks be best measured, interpreted, and used to both understand the “state” of data and measurement, but also leverage policy action to support a just, green post-pandemic recovery? Utilizing a scoping review method, this project examined the academic, grey and policy literatures nationally (within Canada) and globally to analyze what is being measured, how, where, and why. Despite widespread support for improved integration across data collection and indicator and framework development, few substantive, practice-based and policy-focused approaches that rise to that aspiration are in place. Moving towards a sustainable post-pandemic recovery will require that we: (1) address data gaps from marginalized populations; (2) establish consistency across data collection and the use of national indicators, that complement international goals; and, (3) make explicit linkages across sectors.


Stacey Haugen
Student, PhD, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Sustainability: Towards a Green Economic Recovery for Nature, People and Planet


Integrated Measurement; Inclusive Data; Earth’s Carrying Capacity; Sustainable Development