Creating Interactive Videos Using H5P


Digital technology in the 21st century has transformed the education milieu and revolutionized student learning. Students entering the tertiary sector have an advanced set of technological skills with different social demands. With information being readily accessible through the Internet, the role of educational institutes has now shifted from being a place where foundation knowledge and skills are developed, to an environment where collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving and application of concepts are enhanced by educational technologies. The current student learner prefers to engage with online learning activities as reflected by declining lecture attendance rates. While online lecture recordings may be available, not many students absent from lectures listen to these as suggested by course learning analytics. Therefore, teachers are embedding technologies in their pedagogies to stimulate student engagement and to align with the digital learning styles of their students. One approach is the transformation of face-to-face lectures into online interactive videos using H5P. This free software enables the integration of pop-up notes, questions of different format (e.g. drag-and-drop, multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blanks, etc.), instantaneous/customizable feedback, and a summary of learning outcomes. Learning analytics and student survey results indicate a high level of student engagement with these interactive videos. This workshop provides an overview of H5P functions, demonstrates how to create interactive annotations and questions, and discusses useful tips. Attendees will also be guided through creating their own interactive videos, and will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion to maximize the potential of using H5P in their own curriculum.


Faith Kwa


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Active learning, Digital education, H5P, Interactive software tools, Student engagement