Visual Complexity and Brand Familiarity of Fashion Brands in the Philippines Used in Social Media Marketing


Social media is defined by user-generated content and interaction. The use of social media has become ubiquitous. They are widely utilized for social engagement, information gathering, and decision-making. It is a means of exchanging, generating, and publishing information on a local and global scale. Social media can influence client purchases through reviews, marketing, and advertising. It impacts our ability to interact, create connections, acquire and share knowledge as well as make accurate decisions. To find out how social media’s visual complexity affects consumer impressions of selected SM Store fashion brands. It examined images provided on their official Facebook page depicting fashion labels such as shoes/footwear, men’s apparel, and women’s apparel in terms of Visual Content, Text/Caption, and Subtext/Caption. As a result, this study sought to learn more about fashion brands’ opinions of visual media. Female customers have more purchasing power than male customers; they are more likely to be single; and they have finished tertiary education, including masters and doctoral degrees. For advertising, the fashion companies listed on SM Store’s official Facebook page, advertisers agreed that visual complexity is crucial. Advertisements can remove subtext and hashtags, but they can promote companies. Customers of SM Store BF Paranaque are used to it. Brand recognition requires the use of social media profiles to advertise products. Advertisers agreed with SM Store Fashion customers’ perceptions. It shows that advertising is targeting the right market and offering accurate information to customers.


Arex Cabañas Nada
Student, Master in Communication, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Metro Manila, Philippines

Rhey Bryan Laudencia
Student, Dental Office Administration, ABES College, Canada


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Media Technologies