Critical Media Pedagogy in Higher Education: Toward Transforming Education through New Literacy


With the emergence of new media literacy, the connection between media literacy with different types of literacy such as information literacy, digital literacy, the significance of transliteracy has gained significance. While recent advances in technology and the ever-growing popularity of social media have highlighted the need to investigate the significance and impact of media and literacy education, particularly in cyberspace, research on the new media is misguided in terms of the types of outcomes expected from media and the measured outcomes. Also, the lack of well-developed media and literacy education has been one of the most important yet disregarded issues which affects the overall structural efficacy of education. Critical Media literacy pedagogy education can help to explore and discover the ways in which media represent themes through different texts, visuals and technologies. It also has the potential of encouraging teachers and students to move toward critical thinking leading to more creative visual and textual productions by them. The purpose of this paper is to critically reflect on the significance of critical media literacy and critical media pedagogy education as solutions for developing more critical thinking educators and transforming education. It also focuses on critical media literacy as an empowering concept and stresses on its role as it explores how media literacy education can promote a reflective learning experience for students.


Sam Yousefifard
Instructional Technology Designer, McMaster University - Hamilton, ON, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies


Critical Media Literacy; Critical Media Pedagogy; New Literacy; Higher Education