Shentu War: A Gaze at Chinese Netizen's Debate Regarding Northern Europe


Northern Europe has been situated in a complicated context in the public sphere of China. The debate over symbolic Northern Europe originated in a once-thrived topic of interest forum (TIF)- Tieba. Though the world has witnessed the rise of China as a powerful country position in recent years, the debate did not die down. This paper is based on a case study, collecting data from multiple platforms, mainly Bilibili, a Chinese video-sharing website popular with youngsters. By applying content analysis (CA) and thematic analysis (TA), triangulated with critical discourse analysis, we attempt to reveal the controversy and coherence of Shen and Tu-two seemly dualistic groups, discursively and ideologically.


Beibei Wu
Student, Master of Arts, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China

Rong Wan
Student, Master, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


CDA, Populism, Shentu Dualism, Identity, Bilibili