A Study about Memory and Perception from the Philosophy of Henri Bergson and the Context of the Digital


According to McLuhan, the Gutenberg galaxy is marked by the emergence of electronic media. The emergence of electronic media conditions this galaxy, where there is a conjuncture of a new tribalism marked by hybridism (man-machine) in which conditions of possibilities of partial identities are presented. Such hybridity brings the need to constitute categories of analysis to understand these new ways of being in the digital, since what we call “body”, in its modern, unified, closed form, independent of the outside, would be unable to articulate or explain the experiences in digital networks. From this, categories recurrently approached by areas of knowledge such as psychology such as, for example, memory and perception, are also revisited and invoked by scholars of the media and the digital context. This paper discusses these categories, memory and perception, in the digital context, taking as reference the complex ontology of Philosopher Henri Bergson. Therefore, a reading of recent bibliographic material (28 articles, 5 dissertations and 2 theses) was carried out, which addresses the theme of the digital from discussions referenced by Henri Bergson. Among the results, it was possible to observe the transposition of the concept of matter in Bergson as an ecosystem constituted by a set of bodies or images and their spatial relationships, in their successive changes; in addition to the idea of a database as a chaotic center and a procedural mass updated from the present.


Douglas Rossi Ramos
Student, Doctorate, São Paulo State University (UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


Memory, Perception, Digital, Ontology, Henry Bergson