Social Construction Theory: The Construction and Deconstruction of Media


Originally named “The Social Construction of Reality”, it became a version that involves language and knowing how to create a social reality through the use of messages, strategy and interpretation of a group, community, and culture who could develop their own understanding.Over half of the population in the world today has an interaction with the media daily. Media has transformed from old media, including Newspapers, Radio, and Television, while expanding to new media that provides for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It has created a generation built on the dependency of technology related to the social construction of media.The media’s influence on society has become a series of practices, and perspectives that can be contested, because of the freedom of speech that the media allows.It is a crucial part of society given that social construction; gives the media and society an identity, because of interaction between individuals.


Kierrya Daniel
Student, Doctoral Studies in Communication, Regent University, Alabama, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


Social Construction, Construction, Deconstruction, Old Media, New Media Social Interaction, Knowledge, Identity, Social Community, Culture, Conceptualized