The Pink Screen : A Category to Analyse Feminism in Publicity and Media


The pink screen is a qualitative category with which I analyse the feminist content on media. The term arises from the analysis of the postmodernity concept developed by Jean Baudrillard in his book ‘The Transparency of Evil’ (1991), and it is deeply related to the idea of Pink Capitalism. With this term, it is also possible to criticise from an intersectional feminist perspective like that presented by Olufemi (2020) and Arruza, Bhattacharya and Fraser (2020); hence, I also used the category to question if minorities are considered or included. The analysis I present is based on a previous article I published this year in the Journal Revista Arista Crítica. However, in that case, I qualitatively studied media content for Mexico. What I focus on for this occasion is to apply the same methodology to analyse international media content.


Natalia Stengel
Tutor in Spanish, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


PinkScreen, Feminism, Publicity, Fashion, PinkCapitalism