The Experience of Dating App Usage In A Cross-Cultural Sample: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Study


The study aims to assess the emotional and psychological experience of a cross-cultural sample of dating app users via one-to-one semi-structured interviews. The study also evaluates the individual experience of users regarding general structural characteristics of dating apps and their insight of addictive patterns of use. To do this, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was employed. By using IPA, the study evaluates experiences (i.e., phenomenology) from each individual perspective (i.e., idiographic approach). A sample of nine dating app users was interviewed with open-ended questions. Results reveal superordinate themes that emerged are self in conflict; maintenance of behaviour; objectification process; emotional toll; and new paradigm of dating. The study aims to enhance the knowledge of dating app usage and its influence on users and society by adding new insights to the existing literature. Furthermore, it aims to provide rich data findings that support and advocate for improvements in the design of dating applications.


Gabriel Bonilla
Student, PhD, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Dating, Applications, IPA, Features, Addiction