Setting the Scene for 5G: The Top Five Legal Dares for the Audiovisual


During the second half of 2021, the auction of the 700 MHz Band, which currently allocates Digital Terrestrial Television channels (free-to-air television), will be completed. This movement is planned to accommodate telecommunications operators. The engine of this change is 5G technology, a catalyst that implies a paradigm shift in the audiovisual sector. This strategy crystallizes the desire of the European legislator, who has firmly opted for telecos as one of the main engines of change. However, the imminent arrival of telecommunications operators in the radioelectric spectrum, a rare good of public ownership, implies a huge challenge for audiovisual broadcasters, who remain subject to a regulated sector. With the arrival of 5G, another challenge is added: the unparalleled growth of other technologies -such as streaming, basically- led by OTT platforms and other technological giants. This phenomenon, which supposes de facto an uberization in the audiovisual sector, introduces enormous complexity, as it promises winners and losers on the way. This paper analyzes the legal challenges and dares facing the European audiovisual sector in the upcoming years.


Laura Caballero
Professor, Postgraduate Programs / Law / Master in Intellectual Property & New Technologies, International University of La Rioja (Spain), La Rioja, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Broadcasters, Audiovisual, Legislation