Repetitions and Instants: The Representation in Nowadays


GIFs are immediate moving images, which provide iconographic material to understand the acceleration in the creation and enjoyment of the image. They also act as devices analogous to the first moving images of the century. XIX: short durations, immediate narratives and a constant looping. These GIFs are the result of personal work that is developed from digital rotoscopes often taken from low-resolution images on the internet, thus re-signifying the images and removing possible narrative aspects. The resulting looping is represented according to the support, and can be two-dimensional in low reliefs or in time, with the image in motion. This study considers how this representation is accelerating at the present time due to the ease of production and breadth of visibility devices.


Wayner Goncalves
Professor, Artes, Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia, UFSB, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


Gif, Devices, Archive