Cromas - Woman, Art, and Colombia: The Female Art Visibility of National Salons of Artists through a Transmedia Narrative


With the technological evolution of the media, a series of transformations have occurred in the ways in which people are visible in the public sphere. News media have allowed participation scenarios that strengthen democracy and shorten spatial barriers between citizens; and this visibility in some way can be useful for the governments to have in mind the needs expressed by the public (through these media) when they are making decisions. Despite the boom that these information and communication technologies have had, there are no records that make visible the participation of women in the National Salons of Artists of Colombia - question considered by Vélez López (2020) in her research project-, and there are not records about that participation through a transmedia narrative. For these reasons, this work creates a story that interrelates digital and analog scenarios, according to the design of user experiences, by using a mix of agile methodologies such as Agile UX and Lean UX, to create favorable spaces for the public where they can intervene and interact with the results of a research project led by Vélez López (2020). Mujeres en los Salones Nacionales de Artistas seeks to enable discovery of how the dynamics of participation of these artists were developed throughout the 45 versions of the SNA of Colombia.


Vanessa López Suaza
Student, Msc. Political Communication, EAFIT University, Antioquia, Colombia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Woman and Art, Colombia, Political Communication, Salons of Artists