How Media Manipulation Gives Rise to the Formation of New Cultural Identity : Review of the Protest Movement in Hong Kong 2019-2020


Media manipulation was adopted by the state-affiliated media in Hong Kong to launch a war of disinformation and misinformation both in the city and aboard to legitimate their false allegation against the protesters. Information manipulation was adopted by the state-affiliated media in Hong Kong to launch a war of disinformation and misinformation both in the city and aboard to legitimate their false allegation against the protesters. The information asymmetry results in a clash of identities between Chinese and Hongkongers. The historical and cultural observations in the Protest Movement through the lens of media studies demonstrates the prowess of populism that has taken shape in the enclave-like territory.


Yuexi Chen
Staff Writer, Columnist, Opinion Department, China, Hong Kong


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Media manipulation, Cultural identity, Populism