Podsphere, Videosphere, and the Development of a New Language from "Online Typographic Man": The Transcultural Data Galaxy


This scientific and technological research analyzed and characterized audiovisual production in podcast and videocast formats in cyberspace, with a view to presenting the galaxy of transcultural data (McLuhan, 1969; Nicola, 2007). To this end, the research works were divided into three stages: 1. sitographic and site research; 2. analysis of selected podcasts; 3. production of podcast and videocast proposals. The proposals have been contemplated by the application of a multiplatform product, aligned to the demands and trends of a new “online typographic man”.


Ricardo Nicola
Assistant Professor, Social Communication, Sao Paulo State University, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Kevin Kamada
Jornalismo, São Paulo State University (UNESP)

Nelyse Salzedas
Associate Professor, Sao Paulo State University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—The Data Galaxy: The Un-Making of Typographic Man?


Cybercitizenship, Transcultural Space, Senior McLuhan Fellow