Tháydëné Yatı̨́ Hóneneltën — Ancestral Dene Language Pedagogies: Communications and Technologies to Support Dëné Dédlıné Reclamation and Acquisition


Dëné Dédlıné Yatı̨́ is an ancestral Dene language spoken in Tu Nedhé which has so far not been acknowledged as an Indigenous language from the wider linguist community. Because of this lack of recognition, there are less available supports for this language. Most material and resource support provided for instruction of Dëné Dédlıné Yatı̨́ is instead written in Dëné Sųłınë́ Yatı̨́ — a newer Indigenous language in the region. Tools are available to create content in Indigenous languages, although Indigenous languages written in roman orthographies or syllabics require Unicode-accessible typographic tools. Conversely, digital resource building for Indigenous languages remains inaccessible, as socio-cultural limitations in digital technology development disproportionately favour English and other dominant languages. This paper addresses the un-doing of typographic bias to instead prioritize Indigenous language pedagogies, inherent within the land, the environment, and non-colonial technologies and communications methodologies in order to best support Dëné Dédlıné Yatı̨́ reclamation and acquisition.


Kyle Napier
Student, MA - Communications and Technology, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—The Data Galaxy: The Un-Making of Typographic Man?


Typographies, Anglophonic, Bias, Indigenous, Language, Revitalization, Reclamation, Acquisition