Audiovisual Production and Globalization: Distribution, Consumption, and Acculturation


A phrase attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci says “learn to see. Realize that everything is connected to everything else”, so the idea that the world is connected is not new. For his part, Giddens in 2002 asserted that modernity has resulted in globalization, although these references are no longer current, the concept of globalization still remains. The globalization process has had a boost thanks to the large corporations that have become transnational corporations, privatizations and technology have also influenced, facilitating the integration of national economies into international production flows (Sedeño, 2011). Audiovisual production is integrated into this global system, transforming its structures towards corporate integration favoring the creation of large industries (Yong, 2012).This communication raises a documentary research, with the research question: what is the relationship between globalization and audiovisual production processes as a form of cultural expression? At first it is presented how digitization and information technologies have favored the globalization of this industry; continuing with the production, distribution and financing processes that have been modified to be part of a global industry; to conclude, as a point of reflection it briefly addresses the cultural elements, from the international but also the local aspects. This research reflects that technological development as a result of globalization has modified the audiovisual industry, not only facilitating the production of content, but also managing to generate changes in the way content, expectations, and interactions of the public are conceptualized.


Karla Díaz
Student, Master, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Media, Mass media, Audience, Popular culture, Indentities, Audiovisual industry, Globalization