The Image of the Syrian Refugees in the Lebanese Press: Case of Al-Akhbar Newspaper


This paper explores the image of the Syrian refugees in the Lebanese press, namely in Al-Akhbar Newspaper. It intends to answer the question: How does Al-Akhbar depict the image of the Syrian refugees who fled to Lebanon? This paper analyses samples of articles published in Al-Akhbar to uncover the discourse of this newspaper relating to the Syrian refugees. The strategy used to achieve the aim of the paper, and hence to answer its postulated question is qualitative. The findings of the paper is significant because it reveals the journalistic practices and agenda towards one of the most serious issues that concerns the whole Lebanese citizens in a sectarian and a multiconfessional country.


Hatem El Zein
Chair of Journalism and Digital Media, MCFA, MU, Beirut, Lebanon


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Al-Akhhar Newspaper; Syrian Refugees; Framing; Media Discourse