Grassroots Communication: The Need of Community Radio Stations in the Digital Age


The onset of globalization accompanied with digitization and digital culture revolutionized democratic culture across the globe. The gradual spread of democratic values in the digital age in the various nooks and corners of the globe has several times transformed the political structures even in highly autocratic regimes. Hence, it may not be an exaggeration to postulate that communication and democracy bear a reciprocal relationship and emerging trends in digital technology could further strengthen them. As we depend more and more on digital media, there also exists a threat to the world in the form of online disinformation in the background of intensification of false and destructive narratives. There are debates all over to counter this by addressing issues of anonymity on digital platforms and recognising trustworthy sources. In an era when the audience is consuming information flooded towards him, what we also require is an informed and involved citizen and articulation of concerns in a collective and organized manner particularly at various grassroot levels in a state. This is where an alternative medium like community radio plays a pivotal role. In this context, the study looks at the data collected from the audience of three community radio stations in India and understands through their narratives of their involvement with their respective stations, as to how community radio stations existing alongside digital platforms can play a significant role in strengthening the democratic culture while contributing in combating the threats of digital age.


Moina khan Khan


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Community Radio, Local, Glocal, Digital age, Democratic Communication