From Pray to Protest: The Invisible Power of Buddha Alternative Media in Indonesia


The diffusion of religion in alternative media is rooted to soar in Indonesia as the third biggest democratic state and ranked third in the world on the importance of religion in citizenry life. This study aims to determine how religious identity diffuses in media process. Sidney Tarrow’s notion about the strength of collective identity (nationality, ethnicity, and religion) to mobilise mass of people is highlighted to identify its influences in media process. Buddhist alternative media, Hikmahbuddhi, was selected as a case study due to its representation of a minority religious group. Diary-interview was selected as the key tools to access micro information on the internalisation of Buddha values in alternative media practitioners. Non-participant observation with interaction was chosen to supplement the data with nano-ethnography of “follow journalist steps” from the meeting point, house of worship, to selected events. This research found that Hikmahbuddhi, existing media for almost fifty years, has shown its critical effervescence by publishing media content to eradicate corruption and organising peaceful movements with 300 protesters for the operation of “Buddha-Bar” in Jakarta. Praying was not only routine rituals during this protest, but it also conducted weekly by shifted activists in Buddha Bar for more than eighteen months while waiting for a court decision. Alternative media practitioners who also played their roles as protesters disseminated information using various media. The result shows that the diffusion of religious identity in alternative media process fosters spirit of solidarity, sincerity, and survivability.


Fitaha Aini
Student, Master of Arts, University of Leicester, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Alternative media, Identities, Power, Politics