The Social and Psychological Impact of Disaster Communication News on Working Women of Peshawer


The study explores the social and psychological impact of media’s disaster projection through news; on the KPk working women and its impact on the other parts of the nation as well generally. Role of media in disaster exploration and management is to educate and raise awareness with the public to minimize damage. Our media is an alert and efficient in its field but however the sensitizational presentation style is negotiable. For the last decade, unfortunately media is projecting KPk mostly in breaking news, whether its flood, earth quake, or war against terror. It creates sensation and leave pessimistic impression in the viewer’s mind. As a result, such frequent presentation is seriously influencing the working women of the region and public out of the region socially and psychologically. Following the research methodology investigating, Q1: Whether phobia, sleep disorder, stress, is increasing due to psychological discomfort or not, among working women? Q2: Whether hopeless projection and presentation about the regional situation are making them socially disconnected, moving towards isolation and migration or not? The study also intends to assist media in creating a positive side of the region that helps in bringing social connection, hope, and positive energy. In the study, socio and psychological factors are taken as dependent variables while media usage, frequency, and credibility are independent variables. Questionnaire is used as primary source, circulated among working women of KPk, while newspapers, news channels, and social websites are secondary source to collect data.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Breaking, News, Communication, Social, Psychological, Impact, Female, Gender, Working