Online Technologies: Media Languages and Their Environment


With “diachronic” and “synchronous” cutouts, the media sphere and multimedia will be presented with a view to promoting the reflection and discussion of the online technologies present in the media languages and available in different contemporary platforms. We consider studies and (re) drawings of the modes of (re) configuration of digital poetics, their agents and their genesis in the communication and cognitive processes, according to studies of prominent theoreticians of communication and information technologies in connections with the visual arts and related areas.


Ricardo Nicola
Assistant Professor, Social Communication, Sao Paulo State University, Espírito Santo, Brazil

Nelyse Salzedas
Associate Professor, Sao Paulo State University

João Eduardo Hidalgo

Maria Arminda Do Nascimento Arruda


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Virtual Reality, Cyber World, On-Line Life, Cyber Society