Return of the War on Terror: A Comparative Discourse Analysis of TRT World and BBC World Regarding The Syrian Civil War


The discourse on terrorism, which has been built around global media networks is repeatedly structured and restructured through an ongoing process of text-frame-audience-media interaction within a broader socio-political context. Many years after 9/11 the assertive discourse of terrorism again dominates the news media and representation of specific terrorist events serves to legitimize ideologies and justify extreme acts against constructed other. Using Entman’s work on mediated public diplomacy, the researcher conducts an extensive comparative analysis of discursive practices of BBC World and TRT World news network on the so-called terror organizations (YPG and ISIS) regarding the Syrian civil war. Researcher examines terror discourses of BBC World News and TRT World from the beginning of Syrian civil war to argue that the news discourses was used as a foreign diplomacy tool in favor of the countries that owned the news networks and news and editorial reports went beyond informing people but to achieve better results in foreign policy. BBC World News here is selected to represent the dominant group of global media traffic due to its global reach and TRT World is selected to represent the contraflow category in the global news media.


Fatih Goksu


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


War on Terror, Global News, BBC World, TRT World, Syria