Framing International Incidents in Video News Reports: A Comparative Study between CNN and Aljazeera


This paper compares the CNN and Al Jazeera English news coverage of one crisis that happened in New Zealand on the 15th of March 2019. As described by Jacinda Ardern the prime minister of New Zealand that it was a terrorist attack. Fifty-one people were killed and others were injured. Both news channels have covered the incident in their own way. The methodology used in this study was a combination of the qualitative and the quantitative method. Eighty-two social video news reports of both news channels were content analyzed and In-depth interviews were conducted with two media professionals from local news agencies in Egypt. The theoretical framework of the study is the framing theory. This paper hypothesized that there is a difference between the social video news reports of both news channels in the angle of the news story, the terms used to describe the attacker, and the event. A chi-square test was applied to all the variables of each hypothesis and the results concluded that there is a significant difference between all variables hypothesized.


Alaa M Nawar


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Framing, Christchurch attacks, New Zealand, Social Media, News videos