Public Visibility of Alternative Media


In this study, strategies carried out by the alternative media in order to survive and to resist against dominant structures by way of critical content is considered. In addition to this, as with the ideal alternative media model asserted by Christian Fuchs and Marisol Sandoval, can alternative media be both critical and emancipatory at the content level and use commercial media techniques for public visibility? If alternative media have both a critical and emancipatory attitude against the hegemonic views and structures and use capitalist financing techniques to provide public visibility and be functional, does the political power of the alternative media weaken? What strategies and solutions are needed to make alternative media more powerful and dominant? In this study, these questions will be answered via T24, Bianet, and Diken samples that are online alternative news sites published in Turkey. In this direction, I conduct semi-structured in-depth interviews with the responsible people of these sites. So, by examining the relationship between sources of finance and editorial policies of these sites, economic political conditions of public visibility of alternative media are revealed.


Nursen Aydın


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Alternative Media, Online Alternative News Sites, Public Visibility