As a Truth Narrator - President of the Workers Party of Turkey Mehmet Ali Aybar’s (1962-1969) Political Communication Approach


The Workers Party of Turkey, which emerged as a result of the working class movement which developed after the 1960 military coup, became an ideological and class identity with the general presidency of Mehmet Ali Aybar. İn addition, until the 1960s the working class and the Turkish clerisy who had been away from social and political issues. With the establishment of the party, the Workers Party of Turkey had become the only political party that allowed the Turkish working class and the Turkish clerisy to unite on the same political platform. With this feature, the party has brought a new breath to Turkish political life with its ideology, program, strategy, propaganda and all other components. One of these innovations is the political communication approach of the Turkish Workers Party. Considering that the political line of the party and its chairman Mehmet Ali Aybar bear a parallel like the two sides of a medallion, Aybar’s political communication approach is important to examine to understand the dynamics of the party’s propaganda strategy and its implementation. In this study, the characteristics of the Aybar’s political communication approach are examined and interpreted in the relevant literature. In this context, the political communication approach of Aybar and the Turkish Workers Party is important to examine. In particular, the dynamics of steps taken by a socialist political party on the basis of constitutional legitimacy for the first time in Turkey lead to understanding the place of communication in the change of the social structure of Turkey.


Canver Celik


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


The Workers Party of Turkey, Mehmet Ali Aybar, Political Communication, Sociology of Communication