Spectator Bodies - Watching the Same Film within a Different Body: Personal Story on Defining Spectatorship from Obese to Fit Body


It was only two years ago that I was 140kg. Since I opted to change my lifestyle into a healthier way, it only took me one-and-a-half years to lose 85 kg and become a person who is 58 kg. Suddenly I have found myself within a brand new body, a situation which is affecting any kind of daily life practices that occur both in public and personal spaces. One day I had a rather intriguing situation when I came across a film on TV; Click (2006) which I once watched in a theater back in 2006 when I was 140kg. I suddenly realized that the film-watching experience of mine dramatically shifted as Click has rather offensive-humorous scenes based on fat bodies. I was surprised by how my feelings were different from the first time that I was exposed to those scenes as I experienced the same film but within a totally different body. Then, I came up with an idea that this such a mundane but a unique experience is pointing out something in a broader sense, especially for audience studies. I want to share my own auto-ethnographic experiences based on movies that I have been exposed to again but within a different body. This comparison provides a rather important and seamless clues for audience studies as it is based on the real-life story of mine on personal viewing experiences and dynamic definition of spectatorship.


Mert Kutluk


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Auto-Ethnography Body Spectatorship Audience Studies Obesity