Can Online Reality Make You See Reality? : Effects of Immersive vs. Non-Immersive Advertisement Messages on Brand Engagement and Willingness to Donate to Non-profit Organisations


Non-profit organizations have been using online reality to raise awareness and to increase donations as they are reported to trigger better understanding of issues. This research adds to the current research by evaluating the immersive factors of 3D online worlds and investigates whether immersion triggers an empathic bond between the charity and the viewer. The concepts of immersion and brand engagement are present in current research, however research comparing 3D online mediums and 2D PC screens for NGOs, with emotive and storytelling content is scarce. Research investigating the relationship of the brand and the consumer using online reality is also limited. Using the integrative post-digital model of media reception, an experiment with two conditions was conducted. One showed a 360° video advert of an internationally known non-governmental institution (NGO) using a Head-Mounted-Display device. The second condition showed a similar advert on a regular PC screen. Sixty-seven students were recruited at three different locations in Germany. In a controlled setting, the two conditions were compared for felt immersion through telepresence and interactivity. Brand engagement was measured through the cognitive, affective, and behavioral reactions of the viewers and the general attitude and involvement with the charity, using independent T-test and ANOVA analysis. The results showed that felt immersion, involvement, attitude towards the charity and willingness to donate was significantly higher in the 3D group (P<0.000). The results of the study can help researchers gain insight on the future of immersive media, especially if these new technologies are adopted by the masses.


Nelly Anna Dux


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Immersion Engagement Telepresence Interactivity 3D Virtual Reality Head Mounted Display