Digitalization of Post Emotional Society - Towards New Activism


In this study, social media activism is discussed in line with Mestrovic’s concept of post emotional society. Post emotional society is based on the presentation of emotions in a controlled form and political correctness. The truth is lost. Emotions are circulated according to predetermined behavior sets. At this point, the answer to the question of how digital political campaigns can return to genuine political campaigns is sought. In this respect, campaigns related to animal rights, football supporters’ rights, and environmental rights campaigns are examined on Twitter. Firstly this study analyses twitter reaction of animal rights associations aganist animal slaughters. Secondly, we try to understand reaction of Turkish football fans aganist the Pasocard and the commercialization of foootball on Twitter. Finally, Greenpeace’s environmentalist campaigns on Twitter is examined. The Twitter accounts of animal rights associations, Greenpeace and football fan groups are examined by digital ethnography method and discourse analysis is applied to tweets. Consequently, we consider if post-emotional society is carved out digitally or if digitalization is undermining the post-emotional society?


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Digitalization,Post Emotional Society, Digital Activism