Motivations for Millennials’ Digital Communication on 2016 Elections in Ghana – Lessons for 2020


The proliferation of digital technologies for governance and the consolidation of democracy in developing countries is irrefutable. However the factors that impel millennials to deploy the technologies to enact citizenship and communicate on elections is largely unexplored. By employing the mixed methods approach of research, the study interrogates how they deployed the interactive features of digital technologies to communicate on the 2016 elections in Ghana. Findings reveal that technical features of these technologies provided gratifications that enhanced symmetrical communication among peers and to a lesser degree between millennials and political actors. The study recommends a focused deployment of digital technologies by political actors and institutions for effective citizen engagement in the upcoming elections of Ghana in 2020.


Adwoa Sikayena Amankwah
Senior Lecturer % Ag. Head, Department of Communication Studies, Communication Studies, University of Professional Studies, Ghana


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Digital, Technologies, Millennials, Communication, Elections