The Role of Digital Media in Enhancing Sustainable Development Goals Implementation Plans in the Arab Region


In early 2016, the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Environment, and the Quality of Human Life emerged. As integrated issues, these required setting comprehensive standards, and crystalizing international cooperation formulas for the achievement of sustainable development. Although the United Nations SDGs are not considered as binding instruments, they can be viewed as a holistic framework particularly helping developing countries in evaluating their path, designing plans to bridge the development gap and thus joining the international economies. The United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda identified a set of (17) new goal for all countries. Therefore, in order to establish a constructive Arab dialogue forum addressing such a topic it was useful to prioritize pivotal goals and research issues, taking into account the current circumstances of the Arab region, being the outcome of geographical, political and social factors of truly exceptional nature, if compared to the “normal” circumstances of most world societies Consequently digital media can help Arab societies mutual interests and initiate cooperation dynamism in vital sectors which are inherently based on regional outreach and integration. This study considers: how to be inline with the UN agenda programs when tacking the sustainable development issues in Arab region; and analyzes Arab public awareness of sustainable significance. It offers perspectives on Arab Republic of Egypt efforts towards achieving 2030 SDGs.


Yosra Sobeih
assistant professor, Taibah university, Saudi Arabia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies


Digital, Media, Arab, Region