Attitudes of Egyptian Audience Toward the Role of Mass Media Awareness Campaigns Against Rumors


The spread of rumors and misinformation has increased recently and the role of mass media is reflected in the current information revolution in dealing with such rumors. This study aims to measure the attitudes of the Egyptian public toward the role of television awareness campaign “ Shaeat w Hakaek- Matsdaash Elly By2olo” beginning from watching, awareness, and interest in it. Then their opinions in its content and evaluation of its role. Reaching to the behavior of public as a result of the role of campaign, with the study of the impact of demographic variables of respondents (age, gender, education) and socio-economic status of them. The study used a survey method and adopted the survey form as a tool for data collection in the field study. The study relied on purposive sample on 348 items of the Egyptian audience from four regions (Helwan, Abdeen, Masr el Gededa, Eltagmoa Elkhames). Respondents were18 years and older. A questionnaire form is built to provide questions and hypothesis of study.


Marwa Mohy Mohy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Mass media Audience Attitude Rumors