Digital Media Use and Access Among Rural Female Youth in South Africa: What Prospects for Empowerment?


Digital technologies have played a significant role in bridging the information gap between the haves and the have nots in society. In developing countries such as South Africa, historically marginalised groups such as women in rural communities have an opportunity to use digital technologies to network among themselves as well as interact with their government, thereby enhancing prospects for poverty eradication, political participation, community development and democracy. Informed by the technological dependency theory, this paper is about how female youth in rural South Africa are deploying digital media tools for socio-economic empowerment. This study investigates the extent to which female youth access and use digital media gadgets and the extent to which those technologies are breaking down barriers that stand in the way of female youth empowerment. Data were gathered using a self-administered questionnaire disseminated to selected 100 female youth in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The data were analysed using SPSS version 9 and the results were analysed using descriptive statistics. The study established that the majority of female youth had access to digital media technologies and used them to share valuable information among themselves. The paper argues that wider and constant access to digital media by female youth in rural areas is indicative of the great potential for empowering female youth in rural areas through harnessing digital media.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Digital Technologies, Empowerment, Female Youth, South Africa, Survey, Technological Dependency