Acting With and Against Big Data in School and Society: Big Questions of Big Data


As other forms of technology Big Data can be used for both good and bad purposes. In this paper we discuss on a general and mainly theoretical-conceptual level how schools could deal with and respond to Big Data. We do this by firstly characterizing the ontology of the new objects (especially Big Data and machine learning algorithms), so fare as they present themselves today. Theoretically we base this on medium theory (Postman and others) object-oriented-ontology (Bryant and others) and systems theory (Luhmann and others). Secondly, we discuss how one should relate to Big Data, seen from a democratic point of view, following Arendt and her concept of politics (and education). Thirdly we analyze how schools could be able to deal with Big Data in democratic ways. We focus on two aspects: on the one hand, how it has become possible in recent years to use digital media to make access from outside to the classrooms, implying that states and corporations have begun to use this opportunity to surveil, manipulate, nudge, and control teachers and students. On the other hand: we also see how schools have begun to use digital media for different other purposes. Our question is whether this could and should be done in ways that support ‘democratic education’; that is a kind of education, that connects to the idea of Bildung (Klafki and others). The upshot is not final answers but raising and casting light on the big questions of Big Data in relation to the school system.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Digital Media, Big Data, Ontology, Democracy, Education, Bildung, Politics, Society