Perception of Privacy Risk on Social Media and Online Behaviour: A Study of Facebook


Emergence and proliferation of machines in 1920s ushered in mass production and consumption of goods and services. This triggered transition from crude to technological methods of doing certain things in virtually all spheres of life. In mass communication circle, the novelty boost quality and range of coverage on one hand, and reduce time, energy and space required to produce media content on the other. The unprecedented surge in Information and Communication Technologies revolutionised media and communication landscape by offering a plethora of affordable, flexible, accessible, and symmetric communication opportunities. Social Media, as a contemporary channel of communication, combines the attributes of media and socialization. Facebook is the most widely used social networking site offering a fantastic sharing and interaction experiences. Beneficial as the platform is, to its users, it poses a grave threats to users in certain ways. Privacy is one of the areas suffers various forms of violation, including commoditization of users’ data by the platform itself, surveillance by governments, and activities of cybercriminals which subject users to grave losses. This study investigates perception of privacy risk on social media, exploring its influence on user’s online behaviour and information disclosure. Survey design was used to guide the study, sampling and sampling technique were applied and questionnaires amounting to 440 were randomly administered. The study revealed that privacy violations on the Facebook affect users’ sharing appetite, online behaviour and information disclosure. Hence, they check and change their privacy settings, and are cautious of accepting unknown friends and following unauthenticated links.


Bashiru Usman


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Online Behaviour, Privacy Risk, Social Media and Facebook