Framing Analysis of Indian Claim on Surgical Strikes against Terrorists in Pakistan through the Lens of Pak-India Press


The present study offers a framing analysis of four elite Indian and Pakistani English language dailies: Times of India, The Hindu, The News, and Dawn. It explores news coverage and framing of Indian claim on surgical strikes against Pakistan. On 29th September 2016, civil and military confrontation between India and Pakistan went on a high when Indian government announced that its army had conducted “surgical strikes” against terrorists hiding in the Pakistani territory. The media, government, and military of Pakistan immediately rejected the claim stating that Indian soldiers did not cross the border but had only clashed with Pakistani troops at the border. After this incident war of words was started between the media of both countries. This study explores different dimensions of the issue framed differently in the press of both countries and their implication on the bilateral relations and foreign policy. Indian media was supporting its governments by framing it as a huge victory and success against militancy in Pakistan. Whereas, Pakistani media completely rejected the fact and framed this incident as an illusion, political stunt, and propaganda against the civil and military establishment of Pakistan.


Noor Hayat


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies


Pakistan India Surgical Strikes Media Framing