Typographic Culture Wars: Blackletter Fonts from Reformation to the Resurgence of Nationalism


Typography has always been an expressive artifact of culture. Blackletter fonts simplified and extended access to written materials in the late Middle Ages. These fonts became the typeface of the reformation and spread throughout Europe. Later these fonts became associated with German literature and with the rise of Modernism fell out of style. Rising nationalism returned Blackletter fonts as of the people. After World War II, Blackletter fonts fell out of style once again except to express medieval and other seasonal expressions. This study considers how many contemporary cultural currents have placed Blackletter fonts in prominence once more fed by cultural currents such as tattoos, gangs, tribalism, edgy logos, and a resurgence of nationalism.


Peggy Bloomer
Assistant Professor, Graphic Information Design, Central Connecticut State University, Connecticut, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Typography, Blackletter, Fonts, Culture Wars, Nationalism, Medieval, Modernism, Tattoos