Digital Transformation and Social Media Advertising


The world is continuously changing and revolving around new strategies and advancement of technologies. Nowadays, social media is a very powerful communicator and an effective tool used for commercial marketing and advertising of products, goods and services. With the help of social media, advertisers and markets gain popularity, engagement, and interaction with their customers. This popularity of advertisements helps marketers and advertisers to expand their business all around the world. In the recent past, the standard way of advertising has been transformed to digital advertising. This digital transformation will have a great impact on our society, media, firms and industries. Thus, the digital transformation in advertising industries will also open new ways for the advertisers to communicate with their consumers personally or face to face which is beneficial from both seller’s and buyer’s perspectives, as a two-way communication on an online digital platform. The other advantages of digital advertising include money-saver, quick response of customers for adjustments and changes, fast delivery of results, and sales. However, the advancement of technologies and new tools in advertisement design softwares will also make advertising easy not only for advertisers but also for common people. This paper examines the effects of digital transformation on social media advertising through qualitative content analysis. Although there are many benefits of digital adverting, it has some negative effects also. Studies show that digital media advertising has been facing many issues like copycat, media fatigue, time drain and it can also decentralize into a damage control operation.


Rabiya.rims Arshad


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Media Business


Advertising, Digital Transformation, Social Media, Interactive, Engage