Investigating the Strengths and Weaknesses of Media Practices of Pakistan: Balochistan Reporting


This study investigated the main causes, reasons, and consequences in which the national media of Pakistan ignores and discriminates on reporting the issues of the people of Balochistan. The ordinary people lack media platform, in spite of strong media landscapes in Pakistan. Besides, there are strict restrictions for international journalists and academia to talk on the issues of this province. Likewise, media do not fulfill social responsibility, watchdog, and democratic roles. Thus, media practices in Pakistan clearly violate global media ethics and journalism values. Additionally, they may increase hostilities, create more controversies, and may enhance conflicts. Consequently, there exists a lack of stifle independent study that satisfies academic community. Furthermore, no one previously addressed the phenomenon. This research uses a qualitative research approach. For primary data collection, this study adopts in-depth interview techniques and for the secondary data, the content analysis tool for secondary data collection. This study helps lead to a more in-depth understanding and lifting up the voices of the people. At the same time, this study advances knowledge and contributes to practical journalism activities. Primarily, this research gives attention and voice to people of Balochistan. Finally, the study considers possible reasons, consequences, and alternatives related to this issue.


Jan Muhammad
Student, PhD, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Balochistan, Media of Pakistan, Media biases, Reporting, Media practices