News in Indian Science: Study of the Impact of a Weekly Video Program


There is need to strengthen the science content in Indian Television channels. At present the science content is low in private and government owned Indian television channels. There are few weekly/daily science news available in Indian Television. The technical programmes like Tech Guru and others are focused majorly on latest technology of gadgets. To increase the general awareness about science happenings in daily life, the Vigyan Prasar, an autonomous institution under Department of Science and Technology, GOI, started production of weekly science news in Hindi and English Languages since 2011. The news programmes are titled as “Science Monitor”-in English and “Gyan Vigyan”-in Hindi languages. The news program also used to produce a CD entitled as “India Innovate,” which includes all major stories covered during a year. In the year 2015 which was celebrated by United Nations on Light and Light based Technologies, a thirteen-episode series was produced on “Light and Light based Technology” (Prakash Kirno ka Rahasy) in Hindi language from the stories covered in the news program. The production of thirteen episodes on Cutting Edge Technology from the stories covered in the news program is under production. These approaches widen the reach to audience and make the covered stories more useful. The shelf life of the news stories by making episodes from it increases to great extent, as the news stories now can be repeat telecast in mode of popular science program after extracting episodes from it.


Sachin Narwadiya
Scientist D, A & A, Vigyan Prasar, Uttar Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Loksabha, Television, Channel,LSTV, Rajyasabha, Television,RSTV,Vigyan Prasar,Science Monitor, Gyan