Viewing Through a Closed Window with a Magnified Lens: African Online Media Construction of Global Politics


Media propaganda during Second World War precipitated how media of various regions and sub-regions perceive the trends in global politics. Prior the globalization of online media, Africans were assumed not only seeing the mirage of the world politics through a closed window but also had their voices echoed within an enclosed roomlet. As online media makes an enviable window for Africa to peep into the global politics, one would expect that the African magnified lens clearly see beyond the opened but blurred window of global politics. Hypothetically, this would not only enable holistic analyses and ideal perceptions of global politics but also amplify African voice on how the global politics swings. This paper analyses the contents of African online media just after the American recognition of Jerusalem as Israel capital. The objective is to ascertain to what extent Africans could analyse global politics and how the analyses could metamorphose into a standpoint. News stories as well as audience participations in form of comments relating to the subject matter were thematically codified and analysed. Explaining the findings on the tenet of media agenda theory, this work linked the African block votes against the American stand during United Nation General Assembly election held for the purpose to the agenda of African online media. The point at which the issue became African agenda was discussed within the theoretical underpinning. Sustaining the reach-out through the media was suggested could restructure, refine, and moderate African perceptions of, participation, and influence in the global politics.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2019 Special Focus: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age


Media propaganda, Global politics, Media agenda, Online media, Communicating development