The Social Media Age: A Blessing or a Curse for Nigerian Women's Political Participation


The emergence of digital technology gave birth to different digital platforms including the social media. Since its emergence, social media has been used positively to propagate causes such as fights against societal ills like corruption, violence against women and children, and so on, even as it is used negatively by individuals and groups. In politics, it has become an indispensable tool in democratic processes. In most countries, the media has been successfully employed by citizens to enthrone and detrone governments. Most political gladiators attribute their political success to social media as ‘the blessing in disguise’. In the viability of social media, how then have women in Nigeria used the medium to improve their political status and participation? or is the media rather a death trap in their bid to engage their malefolk in the political arena? This paper investigates this issue employing both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Objectives of the research include an investigation of women’s presence in social media, their level of participation in politics, the role of social media in their political participation, and the challenges and achievements in their political engagement, enabled by social media. Recommendations are proffered based on findings.


Grace Iember Anweh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Social media, Women, Nigeria, Politics, Political participation