Hate Speech and Inciteful Comments: The Gatekeeping Role of Media


These days we often notice that a majority of our broadcast media stations are constantly awash with a barrage of reprehensible (not too musical) contents which are capable of undermining our collective cohesion and peaceful coexistence as a progressive society. Without mincing words, this is more noticeable in many of our privately-owned stations, where it appears that everybody has the brazen freedom to showcase whatever he or she feels is suitable to his or her own personal taste, not minding whose ox is gored. Supporting this assertion is the statement by Umechukwu (2011) which notes that the Nigerian press have often been levelled with the accusation of aggravating the ugly; sinister prevarications in their reportage of events, politics, insecurity, riots, religion, conflicts, and insurgency. Given this scenario, it appears that the broadcast managers are gradually becoming oblivious of our onerous duty of policing and checkmating the daily end products of our airwaves. This is because, having arrogated to ourselves the toga of the fourth estate of governance, we are obligatorily responsible to our government and our dear society as well. It is our duty as broadcast media men and women to unequivocally work towards the sustenance of collective peace and unity if we do not wish to collapse our country, Nigeria. This discussion will consider these issues in light of Nigeria matching towards the 2019 elections with a very, very fragile society whose entire body system is reeking of hardship, fear, and insecurity.


Uzoma Nduka


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Media Cultures


Hate speech, Inciteful speech, Media