The Prying Eye: A Study on the Adherence of Selected Philippine Broadsheets to the Ethical Standard of National Press Photographers Association


Newspapers use of visual elements has drawn people to print materials quickly and use them not to communicate information more efficiently and effectively but also to affect readers emotionally. This study considers the adherence of the selected national broadsheets to the NPPA photojournalism code of ethics. Specifically, it determines the visual contents of the photos depicting calamity, crime, and tragedy published in the selected national broadsheets using the NPPA Code of Ethics; to analyses the contents and presentation of the photos depicting calamity, crime, and tragedy through the analysis of the text and subtext and to determine the level of adherence of the selected national broadsheets to the NPPA photojournalism code of ethics. The results show that the photos depicting crime, tragedy, and calamity published in the selected national broadsheets adhere to the NPPA code of ethics in terms of accuracy of visual content but issues are framed in the narratives. The photo journalist tells the story of an issue using dramatic photos to create emotional impact on the readers.


Arex CabaƱas Nada
Student, Master in Communication, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Metro Manila, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Photojournalism, Communication Ethics, Philippine Broadsheets, Code of Ethics, Adherence